Get 10 Signs Your Expat Journey Needs a Reset
When your toughest opponent is change, your greatest ally is Kirsten de Greling-Visman.
Change can be hard. But it doesn’t have to be. Change is as natural as the seasons. Change is a given.
It’s privilege of being alive. All you need is a little courage, a clear map, and a fearless guide.
Navigating the choppy waters of change requires courage, persistence and the soul deep knowledge that you are meant for a more fulfilling life.
Whether you have found yourself at a crossroads by chance or by choice, it’s time to step boldly into your next chapter.
You need clarity on what to do, where to go, and how to get there.

The Clarity Compass
Kirsten’s signature tool for navigating change.
The clarity compass system gives you everything you need to navigate your change. From the first step of your journey to the final destination, you’ll be armed with the clarity, the courage and the step by step formula you need to enact permanent change in your life.
You’re leaving a job. You’re starting a company. You’re entering the work force. You’re single again. Wherever the changing tides have taken you, there is a lighthouse, a map, a charted course that is uniquely yours. You don’t need to stay adrift, stuck in fear, unsure of the way. With the Clarity Compass as your guide and courage as your anchor, you can ride the current of transformation right to the shores of your dream reality.
Your voyage begins here.
Clarity Map
The 4 week accelerated purpose course using the wildly successful 4 step Get R.E.A.L formula!
Reconnect to your passion and purpose
Evaluate your vision and goals
Align your purpose path with your current reality
Let go of fear and make it happen!
You want change. You want peace. You want MORE.
This is step one.