
For navigating and mastering life’s most powerful changes.
Get REAL has helped me to evaluate my limiting factors to success and assess what I really want in life. It challenged me to take a good hard look at myself and how I stand in my own way of being who I want to be. This program came to me at the perfect time and I can't wait to report on my future successes and happiness.
As soon as I landed in Lusaka, Zambia I knew that I had to do things differently this time around. I felt a huge urge to re-invent myself and take control of my career and life in general. For many years as a trailing spouse, I had been involved in many different things; from raising 3 kids, to volunteer work, to consultancy, and even starting a business, but I lacked direction, focus and fulfillment. I needed to know who I was and what I wanted out of life. I made a decision to seek help and I contacted Kirsten. It has been the best gift I could ever have given myself. Kirsten held my hand through the difficult and often emotional sessions of self discovery. She taught me the importance of setting realistic and achievable goals in different areas of my life and to make me a priority in my own life. I now have the confidence to pursue my dreams. I am feeling all fired up for great things in the future thanks to your guidance! I would highly recommend Kirsten to anyone needing a fresh start to a fulfilling career!
I wasn't sure what to expect when I registered for Kirsten's What's NEXT Coffee Coach Mornings. I am glad I took the leap because she brought me clarity in my personal and professional life. On a personal level I had been taking care of my family for a long time and was starting to envisage a new direction in my professional life but didn't know where to start: everything was there below the surface, however Kirsten helped me uncover what I really had and wanted to offer professionnaly, while keeping a work / life balance. She managed to encourage all 5 of us to identify our strengths, make them visible to others and develop our professional projects in a very safe emotional environment. In the end thanks to her coaching tools and skills I have developed my project in a very pragmatic way: after 10 sessions I am now ready to start my business. On a personal point of view it's very satisfying to see that my professional life fits in with my core values in life: the sense of unity these coaching sessions brought me is very fulfilling. As a bonus I now have a group of friends I can rely on for support and further mutual development.
Kirsten has been immensely helpful in giving me more insight about myself and my passions. She is very inspiring and has helped me to find direction, clarity and drive to materialise my dream project! She is truly skilled in what she does.
When my dream to become a physiotherapist fell through unexpectedly, and I discovered I was pregnant soon after this realization, I felt lost. It was time to reevaluate my career ambitions without feeling that I was putting my dreams on hold. I joined the Coffee mornings with a Coaching Twist in Lusaka. During this program, I have come to accept that things don’t necessarily happen when I want them to happen, but I have walked away with the tools that help me make my dreams happen on my own terms and in my own time. Kirsten is very easy to talk to and by asking the right questions, she helped me to really put things into perspective, which allowed me to sketch a more clear and realistic professional goal. My adventure with her started with me only having one obsession in mind. However, it resulted in me in exploring my options and thinking out of the box. I am now trying out an online course which is something I can do while being pregnant!
When I first heard about Kirsten and the career and life coaching work she does, I had been running my two small businesses while also raising 3 very young boys. At the time however I was lost and felt like I was on robot mode. I didn’t feel motivated and lacked the umph in my day to day routine.
Kirsten’s Coffee with the Coach Mastermind program was the opportunity and platform I needed to help me think about what I want from life and more importantly what I want from me! I have to have expectations from me! I’m important enough to make me a priority not just my family. The group sessions with others helped me realize that I’m not alone in needing this, and many others feel the same way.
After the sessions I’ve been able to take more control of my life and my actions. Going through the program has helped me find myself again. On top of that, the other participants were amazing women who have now become my friends who continue to support me in the pursuit of my goals and dreams.
Just at the time that I started thinking about going out to find a job, Kirsten’s announcement about the Coffee with the Coach Mastermind coincidentally popped up on my Facebook page. I joined the group coaching program, and during the weekly sessions I received the gentle push and strong encouragement I needed to help me listen to my inner-voice and understand, clarify and define the next steps in my life and career. I’m no longer scared about my future, I know where I want to go and I’m moving in that direction!
I like to start a new year with a conscious plan to guide me, however I was actually struggling to live my life consciously, was unaware of the opportunities around me, nor was I clear on what to prioritize in my life. Therefore, I joined the Coffee with the Coach Mastermind in Kampala.
This program was a great opportunity to reflect, to find out what truly mattered to me, what was important to know, underneath all the presumptions I might have had at this moment in my life. It has boosted my confidence and I am now making conscious decisions in my day-to-day life, making happiness my priority – by setting aside time and space for the things that bring me joy and energize me.
I used to be a firm believer in self-help and particularly against of any kind of group therapy. I am too intelligent for this, I thought. How can someone help me fulfill my dreams if I don`t even know myself what exactly my dreams are? No, no, no, let me first get my thoughts clear and then… It continued for years. Luckily a fate, named Kirsten, found me. A friend of mine had given her my phone number as I was obviously not willing to search for help myself. After just a couple of minutes of talking to her, I burst into tears and signed up for her Coffee Coach Mastermind Program in Kampala. Two months of weekly meetings with her and a group of like-minded women and I feel like I am reborn!
Kirsten waves her magic wand and suddenly we all drop our masks, open up, share our deepest fears and wishes and voila! – there`s my dream, clear as crystal and absolutely achievable!
I used to talk about my life as before and after kids. Now it`s also – before and after Kirsten!
After 10 years with the same employer, I’ve reached a point where I've felt stuck in my career for some time now as I have been looking for growth professionally but its has eluded me. This has also been affecting my personal life – where I haven’t felt energetic, excited or fulfilled about a lot of things. Since I’ve joined the What’s NEXT – Coffee with the Coach mornings, I’ve reconnected with myself and gained a lot of clarity through the structured group coaching sessions. I feel that “the light bulbs are beginning to switch on”! Though the problem is still there and it’s yet to be solved – I feel like myself again, full of energy. I no longer just have a dream, I have a structured and clear plan for the year ahead and I’m actively pursuing the change I want for my life! On top of it, I’ve met 5 other great women whom I would never have met, and from this group so many other things will spring, connections, business deals, alternative income projects, etc. I’m excited about the journey ahead!
After living in Zambia for a year already, I was missing a sense of fulfillment in my life. I wanted to put my experience and knowledge to use, but didn’t know where to start. Working with Kirsten one-on-one I was able to identify and implement meaningful projects for myself which allowed me to make a difference while in Zambia as well as prepare for my repatriation to Japan. I feel that I have returned to my home country a stronger and inspired woman.
Before working with Kirsten, I was ashamed to send my outdated and old-fashioned CV to organizations looking to hire a consultant with my profile. It was a 10 document listing all the things I’d done, yet it was unstructured, and was lacking key information. My LinkedIn profile wasn’t honoring the wealth of professional experience and expertise that I have to share. Neither my CV nor my profile was showing the impact my work and contribution had had on the people, projects or organizations I’d worked with and for.
Kirsten had helped a friend of mine to revamp her CV into a document that reflected all her professional and personal experiences (incl. a 14 year career break) so that she could search for a job with confidence and pride. Seeing her CV triggered me to approach Kirsten and get her help in organizing and structuring my CV and LinkedIn Profile. Working with Kirsten myself has been a wonderful experience. She has a strategic mind, asks powerful questions to create clarity, provides coaching tools that help you to reflect, has a cheerful and energetic personality, and has the ability to motivate her client at all times. I take pride in the CV and LinkedIn profile that I now have and which is a true reflection of myself and my career achievements. I now feel proud of the career I’ve had over the last 33 years and will continue to have in the years to come. Kirsten helped me gain visibility, not only for others but mainly for myself. She shows commitment and strong will to help the client to discover and reach a goal. I am sure In the future I will ask her coaching services again.
I became a trailing spouse when joining my husband on his new career adventure to Uganda. I had just finished medical school and was full of ambition, so I found a job as a GP and worked hard with long hours in hospitals for 3 years, even though I had young kids. At the end of these 3 years, I realized that my family actually needed me more than I needed my job. So I resigned and became a stay-at-home mom. I’ve loved being there for my family, however, I got tired with the daily routines, started having mood swings, was losing my focus, was easily anxious, and lost my confidence… to the point that I could feel there was nothing I could do well anymore.
Joining the Coffee Coach Mastermind and working with Kirsten has changed all of this around. I no longer had to struggle on my own, but found a safe space where I felt encouraged to refocus my dreams and ambitions and reconnect with what matters to me… all within a group of like-minded, caring women. I have become a new person: I’ve refocused and am actually pursuing my dreams, I know where my priorities lie when I wake up in the morning and I’m extremely happy with my life!
The last few weeks have been positively life changing for me. During the "Visioning and Goal Setting Coffee Mornings with a Coaching Twist" I learned a lot about myself. I unlocked the insecurities within myself that held me back from achieving my full potential, and I discovered how to put my strengths and positives of my personality into action! I have always believed in setting goals, but never knew how to set them properly, or how to actually meet them, within a given time frame! I now know how. I will forever be deeply grateful for the opportunity to have learned so much, and for the opportunity to have met such a wonderful and caring woman, whom I found to have amazing perception and insight into her clients! Kirsten de Greling – Visman is a true inspiration!
After having been a stay-at-home mom for the last few years, I know the time had come for me to pursue a career again when my youngest enrolled in school, however I also knew a full time office job isn't for me. I hoped having Kirsten coach me would help me delve deep and find the courage to get up and act on my dreams. Which is exactly what happened as the Coffee with the Coach Mastermind in Kampala progressed. Throughout these group-coaching mornings, Kirsten challenged me to find my hidden or neglected dreams in a relaxed setting and without making one feel pressure to have an a-ha moment. She understands that not everyone will have one single purpose for their life, and that some pursuits are seasonal. I have overcome the fear of failure, as well as the negative self-talk that I am not qualified or good enough yet. I feel that I have found direction, confidence, and the burning ambition to pave the way to become a success. Kirsten is a fantastic facilitator, she makes the sessions fun and relaxed. She does not push her opinions/observations on you and allows you to unravel and write your own story. I find that I have the confidence to start pursuing my ambitions, as I now know relatively clearly where I want to go, and the general steps I need to take to pave the way for me to become a coach.
Having been unemployed for just under a year was the reason why I hired Kirsten as my Career Coach. At the start of my coaching track, I felt unsure of who I really was and of what I was capable of, and I didn’t know how to get around the hurdles that were in my way. Kirsten helped me to reconnect to who I really am, and get clarity around what I wanted from my career and life. Furthermore, she helped me to see opportunities instead of obstacles, by helping to clarify my dreams and ambitions, identify my strengths & skills, and value my expertise. She knows how to think out-of-the-box, uncover what really matters and connect the dots for you (without losing touch with reality), all with a sense of humor! I walked away with confidence, with a CV and LinkedIn Profile that was a reflection of who I was and jobs that I was after. I have since found the job I love, and bought the B&B of my dreams – Life is GOOD!!!!
A word of warning – working with Kirsten may dramatically change your life!
I was at a low point in my life when I met Kirsten. I had returned to my adopted home country Uganda with dreams and plans that didn’t turn out the way I’d hoped. My confidence was at an all-time low and I was at a complete loss on what to do next. Joining the Coffee Coach Mastermind Program, together with other amazing women who like me struggled to have purposeful lives and careers, was exactly what I needed. I’ve reconnected with my professional strengths and ambitions, and have a CV to support and match them. I am now able to comfortably network and explore opportunities and doors are opening for me. I now see that I am growing through the struggles and I realize that I’m not failing at my life… it’s a continuous growth process that motivates me to grab the opportunities that drive my ambitions. I have a new sense of direction, a support group of amazing women that is there for me and I’ve already achieved one of my biggest ambitions by starting up my own choir in Kampala.
Before I joined the Coffee Coach Mastermind Program I was at a point in my life where I was juggling so many things that I was unsure about. I was feeling unsure in where I was, where I needed to go and pretty much if I was doing the right thing.
The program had me explore my talents, potentials and what kind of life I wanted to lead. It also helped me realize who I am and what’s most important to me. I’ve learned so much about myself that I didn’t know before. I now have more clarity and confidence in who I am, the direction I want my life to go in, what I’d like to achieve and the first few steps I need to take. It was a great honour working with Kirsten. It was very empowering to do this journey a long side a small group of very strong ladies, each discovering their own life path. Every session left me feeling very inspired and ready to take on new challenges.
“What an enlightening adventure”, these are just a few words to describe my coaching experience with Kirsten. Kirsten, is nothing short of a professional, she is organised, easy to interactive with, a creative thinker, a great listener and one to whom I felt comfortable confiding in. During our sessions, she allowed me to re-discover my identity, re-focus and think outside of the box in all areas relating to my talents, career choices and most importantly my personal values. Kirsten’s planned session exercises enabled me to enjoy learning new things about myself and strengthen areas that were abandoned. Her weekly inspirational write-up was one that I also looked forward to reading. The messages were always clear and directly spoke to me. If given the opportunity to be coached by Kirsten again, I will have no reservations about it. As I move forward with all these valuable insights, I will definitely recommend Kirsten as a career coach for anyone who things they need to rediscover their personal identity.
Kirsten began coaching me towards the end of a challenging professional situation and transition. I instantly felt comfortable talking with her. Through questions that were supportive while eliciting an honest self-assessment, she helped me to turn an overwhelming list of stressors in manageable action items and goals. By working with me to prioritize my goals and actions, I was able to make better decisions about my work and personal life. Kirsten was very flexible and understanding- this was my first coaching experience and she often had to help me figure out what I wanted to get out of the sessions. She also always made sure that by the end of each session I had made some progress in my decision making and plan. My coaching experience with Kirsten was very positive, and I am definitely going to use her again in the future!
Kirsten managed to pin-point the hitches in my CV and with her coaching, guidance and good tips I managed to upgrade my resume into a document that really reflects my skills and expertise. After being invited for an interview I contacted Kirsten again. Kirsten gave me the confidence I needed for my case-based interview. She was able to let me see my strong points. I am certain that her coaching helped me to land the job because I was very well prepared for the interview.
My supervisor suggested I’d work with an executive coach at my return from maternity leave, as I was juggling too many tasks at work, while also caring for a new-born at home. My initial reaction was one of hesitation, thinking ‘great, coaching will be another time consuming activity on my long to-do-list’. However, I went ahead with the coaching offered by Kirsten to re-discover myself in terms of career trajectory path and striking a work-life balance. Through her probing questions, patient listening, energizing coaching sessions and powerful tools, I have been able to identify what gives me a competitive edge and I am now tapping into my current strengths to ride on all opportunities / resources coming my way.
I have more clarity and direction with a clear vision for career growth and leadership aspirations, and am maintaining a clearly defined work-life balance to ensure ME & MY FAMILY are HAPPY!!! Kirsten is a great person who will help your inner voice to speak up, and help you reconnect to yourself, your life dreams and define a career path that fits you.
After the first 6 months in Kampala had passed and the dust of our transition had settled, joining the Coffee with the Coach Mastermind in Kampala was the opportunity I was looking for to get a clear perspective of what my passions are, get a confirmation of my transferable skills set, and come up with an action plan to help bridge the gap in my CV. By the end of the program, I was clear on the direction I want my life to go, had defined a clear objective for the year(s) ahead, my confidence had been boosted and I have since been able to land a consultancy job with the NGO of my choice!
It was great to take some time out and reconsider the direction of my life with Kirsten. She is a fun, hospitable and generous coach who has a real gut feel for this work.
When you know how it feels to be burned out, stuck and unhappy with your life, then you know how I felt when I met Kirsten. She is a very professional coach and who is very sensitive to and supportive of how you feel during the coaching session; she is very skilled in drawing out all the clogged feelings inside that cannot be expressed in words, while giving you the feeling you did it all alone. Having her as a life and career coach showed me something very important: everything is still possible for me. I am more self-confident, I accept that I am a worthy and skillful person in various aspects of my personal and professional life. I am more audacious, and have developed a new sense of self-esteem. Kirsten helped me, beyond the limit of coaching, set my own life and career goals and make important decisions. One of those decisions is to dare do just the things I like and want to do. Her enthusiasm is very contagious, and I definitely recommend her to anybody seeking personal or professional development, no matter the subject. Thanks Kirsten, for having given me something I can always fall back on for life!
At a time when I felt completely stuck in a rut, having given 10 years to raising babies and following my husband’s International career, I found myself in a place of low personal confidence and with many crippling fears. I approached Kirsten to help me find my way forwards. Kirsten has been a wonderful coach. She is incredibly supportive, Intuitive and empathetic. I have found her to be sensitive but directive in her approach, as she guided me gently towards finding my own answers, giving me personal tools and helping me to find the courage to take new risks and get outside of my comfort zone. She helped me to see possibilities, where before I felt lost in a fog. She helped me to understand the importance of self-care. I would recommend Kirsten to anyone who feels stuck, frustrated or de-motivated. She is very, very good at what she does!
The Get R.E.A.L. Boot Camp allowed me to evaluate the areas of my life that needed a change. By taking time to reflect on what is important to me, I was able to clarify and make a plan for the year ahead and start taking steps now to achieve my goals.
After more than 12 years abroad where I alternated between being a stay-at-home mother, doing voluntary work and consultancy work for development organizations I was trying to figure out "what next?". The coaching sessions with Kirsten have helped me enormously to get a clearer picture of the direction I want to go and to regain confidence to take the necessary steps to reach this goal. Kirsten's own experience abroad is in that respect invaluable as well as her warm and open personality.
Kirsten is a great career and life coach. She knows how to ask the right questions, is very supportive and also open minded. She is great at thinking outside the box and encourages you to do the same. She has excellent communication skills and is very sensitive. I recommend her to anyone who would like to receive coaching in personal or professional matters.
Working with Kirsten has made me stronger in many ways. The sessions have been the best thing happening to me this year! Throughout the program, I’ve experienced incredible moments of happiness and tears. I’ve learned to stand up for myself, my believes, my dreams and my ambitions. I’m making decisions and taking actions that will help me in their pursuit, while handling my stress much better. I’ve come out being so much stronger! Guess what, I now dare to follow my dreams, no matter what, and I now live a life worth living!
Kirsten is an insightful, encouraging, well-prepared career and personal coach, and helped lead me down a fulfilling professional and academic path. She was my guide in understanding my purpose in a greater depth, and identifying and taking the risks necessary to continue to live my life in a way that I can achieve my purpose in all I do. I highly recommend her as a coach!
The What's NEXT Coffee Mornings with a Coach Twist in Lusaka are a valuable,enjoyable and enlightening process. Kirsten's warm, open and friendly approach, encouragement and endless support and enthusiasm helped boost my confidence and self belief. Where would I be without you!
Furthermore she weaved a magic thread between a group of women who may never had met otherwise. If this even slightly peaks your interest I would say go for it, sign up - you might see through doors you never knew were there!
For years, I have been procrastinating and allowing myself to be held back by my limiting beliefs. This year I set some big goals that were fired by a strong desire to move forward in my life. Kirsten’s Coffee Mornings with a Coaching Twist in Lusaka were the platform I needed to activate and motivate me to pursue the goals and dreams I wanted to achieve. Her fantastic energy and brilliant communication skills work as a guide and sounding board where I could challenge myself in order to move forward on a fulfilling life path instead of remaining stuck in a rut. Kirsten has the tools that lead you forward through a process identifying what is truly meaningful for you and where you could use your talents, unleash your passions to find true happiness and an inspirational life purpose.
If feel so excited about my life right now and all the positive things I’m achieving! I have achieved my Goal of becoming a Transformational Life Coach, have started my Yoga Teacher Training and also have become part of an amazing organization providing motivational trainings, opportunity to travel as well as supplement my income in a big way! Each week I take steps closer and am so excited that I am actually realizing a dream that has been in my heart for years.
Thank you, Kirsten, for always being my cheerleader, with your sunny and positive outlook - you really are a gem and am so grateful that you are a part of my life!
When I met Kirsten I had just left the security of a job I loved to move to Uganda while at the same I was still adjusting to my new role in motherhood. I was feeling unsure about my own capabilities and felt lost in the fog of my many interests. Her Coffee Coach Mastermind program offered me the platform I needed to regain my focus and confidence and create a job search strategy that allows me to stay true to my authentic self and to continue to grow and shine. My confidence is back and I’m motivated to pursue a coaching certification training as a stepping stone to enhance my leadership skills while at the same time pursue my career in sustainable development locally and take my yoga teaching to the next level. Although my journey is ongoing, I've really loved the carved out time for myself to reflect and share my strengths, weaknesses, passions, and slowly hone in on who I am and what my purpose is.On top of that, I've really enjoyed the connections, laughs, and inspiration from the other wonderful ladies in the group!
Until I started participating in the "Visioning and Goal Setting Coffee Mornings with a Coaching Twist", I never took deliberate time in my busy life to sit, ponder, plan and visualize a life that truly expresses my passion and purpose. Being a part of this series of group coaching sessions, has helped me tremendously to regain perspective, clearly visualize the future and plot steps in the right direction. I really liked the way Kirsten conducted the sessions: asking the right questions, providing pointers when appropriate, anticipating on the participants and challenging the status quo.
I have known Kirsten since her days as Programme Manager for De Baak and Leiden University and even then - before she formally trained as a coach - she displayed an amazing aptitude to guide and mentor others along their chosen career paths. Over the past four years, Kirsten has directly and indirectly coached me during times when my career needed an objective, external perspective and I have always found her advice, support and guidance to be spot-on.