Is the ultimate 4 week boot camp for people who have waited long enough to be happy!
If you’ve lost your passion and are yearning for a life of meaning…
If you’re stuck at a job that gives you a paycheck but no advancement or JOY…
If you’re grasping at straws as you think about your ultimate goals…
If you’re unhappy with your current situation but don’t know how to change it…
Welcome home… this is for you!
A Journey Back to Your Passion and Purpose
Let me ask you a question.
Are you feeling a little frustrated with the difference between what you dream for and what you have?
It’s easy to forget that you once had big goals for yourself.
It’s easy to assume that it’s better to not upset the apple cart that is your life than to go after what you really want.
Yes, these thoughts are easy. But they’re also holding you back from a deeper, fulfilling of experience of life and maybe even, your destiny!
The good news, is, you don’t need to continue feeling unfulfilled or that you’re running on empty.
Your unique talents and passion – the very things that will open the door to the rest of your life – have not left you. You only need to get to know yourself again and uncover those gifts!
It gets tiring, being on the treadmill of the same old, same old. We all want to live lives that are EXTRAORDINARY and PURPOSEFUL. Even if you feel unmoored and unsure about taking that step towards greatness, the time to do it has arrived. Stop thinking about the path untaken and make some changes!
Time to GET R.E.A.L.
Reconnect to your passion and purpose
Evaluate your vision and goals
Align your purpose path with your current reality
Let go of fear and make it happen!
But how? Is it even possible to make YOUR dreams come true when you are so busy supporting everyone else?
It is possible. I know, because I’ve done it!

In just 4 weeks, Get R.E.A.L will show you how to set and achieve anything you have in mind, from advancing in your current job to improving your relationships to starting your own business…whatever it is that will fulfill you and get you EXCITED about your life again!
I experienced a time when I struggled with my place in the world. My fiancé took a job in Albania, and I joined him there. When I first arrived, my head was filled with dreams of all the new adventures I’d have…but then the reality of day-to-day living set in. I wasn’t working, missed my family, and felt bored and untethered being home alone all day.
But one benefit of this solitude was it allowed me to have time with my thoughts and figure out exactly what I wanted from life. After all, the only person responsible for my ultimate happiness was me, and I did not want to waste any more of my life just wishing things were different, without a real plan for change!
The CLARITY MAP – GET R.E.A.L Boot Camp was born from this experience. I undertook a lot of soul searching and research to figure out how to combine my passion with a career that would fill my days with joy. The research I did worked…and ultimately led me to my thriving, global coaching business that I still love today!
Now, I’m taking everything I learned in my personal journey to help you pinpoint your unique strengths and talents, and show you how to combine them with your dreams and goals to make you unstoppable! Your authentic self will shine through and you’ll no longer be afraid of going after what you want.
Now that depression takes all forms, from the truly traumatized to the general, season feeling of malaise.
I share that statistic with you because other studies have shown that one major cause of sadness is a disconnect from one’s own identity.
In a nutshell- not knowing what to do with your life can make you miserable!
Luckily you don’t have to waste any more time WONDERING. There are questions you can ask yourself that will open the doors to crystal clarity and restore a sense of balance, purpose and fulfillment to your life.
Wouldn’t it be great to finally wake up and NOT wonder?
The CLARITY MAP will give you the tools you need to:
- Escape the feeling of overwhelm
- Figure out a plan to find a career that truly fulfills you
- Move beyond past hurts and disappointments
- Strategize ways to get beyond the places where you’re stuck
- Dream big
- Live authentically and unapologetically
- Realize that you are strong enough to accomplish your goals
- Make the life shift from “good enough” to “extraordinary”
- Define measurable and attainable goals and action steps that light you up with enthusiasm
The course is so much more than a lecture series. Each week features activities and exercises that will get to the heart of WHO you are, WHAT you want, and WHERE you want to go in life.
You don’t need to be afraid of setting long-term life goals. I will show you how to break your goals down into manageable, ATTAINABLE pieces…and before you know it, you’re well on your way to achieving the life you dreamed for yourself.
PLUS, every step of the way you’ll be surrounded and supported by other people pursuing their own goals and dreams through the program, via our private Facebook group. Share your victories and work through stumbling blocks with others like you – driven people who want their lives to be passionate and fulfilling…lives of purpose.
I have created a life that allows me to travel all over the world with my family, while running my business that helps people connect to their purpose, their identity and their joy.
That was my dream and I did it!
I now host Coffee Coach Mornings What’s NEXT (based on GET REAL) for globetrotting women in transition in Zambia. The participants have been challenged to take a hard look at themselves and they brought back to life their core genius and their passion. They obtained clarity on where they were standing in their own way of success and they now have a clear clarity compass to direct them on their paths to realize their dream projects and careers no matter where they are based in the world.
We can barely keep up with the growth that Coffee Coach Mornings has enjoyed. It seems that more and more people every week are finding themselves READY to stop treading water and START living the life they day dream about.
As I realized in Albania, LIFE IS TOO SHORT to feel like you’re missing out on your calling and your soul’s joy!
Allow yourself these four weeks. Take the time to get to know YOU again. Everyone in your sphere will benefit when you feel valued and believe in what you’re doing!
Join the GET R.E.A.L. Boot Camp today for a price of only €479
Here are what past clients have to say about their transformations:
WEEK ONE – Reconnect to Your Authenticity, Life Purpose, Passion and Unique Gifts
In this first week, you’ll spend time with a very important person – you. Hone in on exactly what in your life makes your heart sing – your WHY – and start living for it!
- Uncover (or re-discover!) hidden qualities about yourself that you haven’t been nurturing
- Align your values to every aspect of your life without having to hide or apologize
- See exactly what it is that makes you stand out in a crowd
- Have a “blue-sky session” and plan out your ideal life
- Figure out your “WHY” – your life’s calling
- Learn to live intently and leave a lasting legacy
WEEK TWO – Evaluate Your Vision and Goals
This week, you’ll take what you discovered about yourself and your life’s purpose and use that information to establish reachable goals, create your vision, and learn to take responsibility for your life.
- Change your thoughts and behaviors to create opportunities instead of roadblocks
- Make a Life Inventory
- Stop being trapped in someone else’s dreams
- Defining your personal success story
- Set your personal GPS
- Create your future from your future, not your past
- The 8 facets of attaining your goals
- Build the bridge from your present to your future
- Figure out your WHAT – what you want to do, learn, be, acquire, and ACCOMPLISH
WEEK THREE – Align Your Purpose Path with Your Current Reality
You’ve done some hard work getting clear on your purpose and setting your goals. Now in this week’s lessons, you’re going to work on bridging the gap from your present to that future in which you’re living your WHY and achieving your WHAT.
- Build the bridge from your present to your future
- Set deadlines for reaching your goals
- Discover why you want what you want
- Feel excited and joyful over your plans
- Become very clear on your current reality, and how your goals fit in
- Finally strike a balance between obligations and pleasure
- Get rid of the things that are sapping your energy and weighing you down
WEEK FOUR – Let Go of Fear and Set Your Action Steps
By the final week of Boot Camp, you’ll have reconnected with yourself and with your goals and dreams. You’ll know WHO you are, WHY you’re here, and WHAT you want to accomplish with your time. But you may be holding on to some fear about making your dreams a reality…about upsetting that apple cart. That’s why this lesson will be about learning to let go of your fears!
- Learn to make fear your ally
- Challenge yourself to do things that scare you
- Convert your dreams into actionable goals
The time to hit the reset button on your life is now.
No more wasting time in a dead-end job or mediocre existence.
You’re worth MORE – and you can prove it to yourself through this program.
When you register for GET REAL, you’ll receive instant access to the series and our private Facebook group, PLUS these FREE bonuses:
- Personal 45 minutes Coaching Session to help you in any of the GET REAL areas in which you’re still stuck (a €125 value)
- A subscription to my Be Inspired, Dare to Imagine and Succeed in Life series – receive beautifully crafted inspirational quotes, pictures, and tips for success every other week via email to warm your heart and refresh your soul
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to wake up in the morning eager to face the day and looking forward to working towards your goals?
You have a chance to open yourself up to new possibilities. I’ve done all the research for you – go through these exercises with me and emerge with a sure knowledge of what you want from life and, more importantly, a PLAN for getting there.
Drop into your heart. Listen to the whispers of your intuition.
How would it feel if life could look totally clear in just ONE MONTH FROM THIS DAY?
Click here to get started and join me for the GET R.E.A.L. Boot Camp.
You get one life. Live it on your terms. Fulfilled. Purposeful. Extraordinary!
I’ll see you there.